Step Forward Leadership
A unique program designed specifically for high-potential women leaders
Don't just lean in, STEP FORWARD!
What's next for you? Every woman charts her own journey.
Our intensive, two-day coaching and development experience gives you the tools, resources, and supoort to get where you're going--quickly. Immediately apply what you learn. Share best practices with your talented peers. Build the foundation for a life of leadership--at work, at home, in your community.
Designed specifically to support women and the challenges they fare:
- Learn and practice skills to position you for success in your career and life path
- Self-assessment, goal-setting, feedback from your network, one-to-one coaching, and action plans support your success
- Step Forward stays with you, ongoing coaching as well as continuous learning opportunities
Step Forward Leadership is offered in collaboration with Rochester Institute of Technology. It is a comprehensive leadership development program that leverages individual, team and peer coaching to ensure every participant is successful at "taking her step forward." Participants agree coaching to ensure every participant is successful at "taking her step forward." Participants agree it is the most powerful learning and development experience that they have had in their careers.
Registration includes attendance at the two day retreat, all materials, all in-retreat meals (breakfast & lunch), and five (5) hours of one-to-one executive coaching.
Pre-retreat Assignment
Personal leadership transformation begins with a look at each leader’s unique abilities and definition for success. Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In explores women’s leadership challenges, attitudes, and competencies that provide a foundation for stepping forward.
What you can expect:
- Improved confidence and courage
- The use of validated leadership best practices to improve performance
- A personal network of high potential women leaders to support ongoing growth
- Higher levels of personal and career success that align with individual leadership passions and lessons
- Leadership stories from various speakers will be shared and lessons discussed
How does it work?
- Step Forward participants complete a series of self-assessments to enhance personal insight and identify behavioral talents, personal motivators, and emotional intelligence.
- Leaders collect feedback from others (supervisors, colleagues, direct reports, peers, etc.) by completing the Step Forward Leadership 360° Survey process. Results are debriefed during one-to-one coaching sessions during the retreat. Participants create learning and development action plans using the results.
Next Retreat:
Date: To be determined.
Location: To be determined.
While the next event is to be determined, you may still fill out a Statement of Intent and save it. You may submit your saved statement when the next Step Forward Leadership Event becomes available.